Preparation and Materials |
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Materials for Workshop Tables |
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teachers should be at flat-top tables in groups of four. Place the following materials on each table: a deck of Decimal Squares and a deck of Decimal Playing Cards for each pair of teachers; a Decimal Squares Bingo mat for each teacher; several sheets of Blank Decimal Squares; a Place-Value Table
Decimal Squares Grid
and Number Lines mat for each teacher; and a handful of game markers and a die for each pair of teachers. The table for each group of four teachers might look similar to the one shown in the following photo. |
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Materials for Workshop Demonstrations |
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The workshop is designed for use with an overhead projector. The following items will be needed: overhead water-base markers
extra blank sheets of transparency
a few game markers
a die
and damp paper towel for changes at the overhead. Masters for all transparencies occur throughout the files for the workshop activities and games. It is convenient
but not necessary
to make a Posterboard Holder with pockets for the transparent Decimal Squares and this can be placed on a chalkrail or tripod near the overhead projector. |
The following workshop photo shows equality of decimals being illustrated: .10 = .1 |
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Display Table of Decimal Squares Materials |
It will be helpful to have a Display Table in the front of the room with Decimal Squares materials
such as the Step-by-Step Teacher's Guide
the Teacher Resource Package (includes student worksheets)
game mats
etc. During the workshop you may want to refer to some of these items. The Display Table could contain all the items in the Decimal Squares Classroom Center
together with its carrying/storage case. |